Monday, December 24, 2012

My Current Love Affair With...Royal Blue!

Every now and then I find a piece of clothing, that I fall head over heels in love with! It could be an expensive item, that I dream about daily until I've saved up enough money to actually make it mine, it could be due too an unexpected flattering fit of a pair of pants or shorts that I would never have expected to suit my curvy body, or it could simply be the colour of the item that complements my skin tone, hair, eyes (which right now means...brown eyes, tan, and cherry red hair!) Either way when I all in love, I fall hard! When we are talking about clothing, this means purchasing numerous similar items, just so I can make the love last!

This love I have right for the colour...Royal Blue.

Color meanings, symbolically and emotionally, can vary widely from culture to culture and person to person. That's because how we react to a particular green, blue or yellow has a lot to do with how we've been programed by our culture and our personal past experiences.

Certain hues have the power to automatically trigger a certain response in us at a subconscious level. For instance, it might make us feel proud to see the palette of our national flag, even when used on clothing or in advertising.

Good Colour Meanings of Blue

- True blue - someone loyal and faithful
- Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)
- Blue ribbon - first rate, top prize
- Blueblood - person of noble birth, royalty
- Bluestocking - well-read or scholarly woman
- Bluebook - register of socially prominent people
- The Blues (capitalized) - popular style of music sometimes characterized by melancholy melodies and words
- Baby blues - Blue eyes

Bad Colour Meanings of Blue

- Feeling blue - feeling sad or depressed
- Blue devils - feelings of depression
- The blues (not capitalized) - depression, state of sadness
- Blue Monday - feeling sad
- Baby blues - post-partum depression
- Singing the blues - bemoaning one's circumstances
- Blue laws - laws originally intended to enforce certain moral standards
- Blue language - profanity
- Bluenose - puritanical individual
- Into the blue - entering the unknown or escape to parts unknown
- Out of the blue - unexpected (could be positive or negative)

"You go to your closet and you select out, oh I don't know, that lumpy blue sweater, for instance, because you're trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back. But what you don't know is that that sweater is not just blue, it's not turquoise, it's not lapis, it's actually cerulean. You're also blindly unaware of the fact that in 2002, Oscar de la Renta did a collection of cerulean gowns. And then I think it was Yves St Laurent, wasn't it, who showed cerulean military jackets? And then cerulean quickly showed up in the collections of eight different designers. Then it filtered down through the department stores and then trickled on down into some tragic "casual corner" where you, no doubt, fished it out of some clearance bin. However, that blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs and so it's sort of comical how you think that you've made a choice that exempts you from the fashion industry when, in fact, you're wearing the sweater that was selected for you by the people in this room. From a pile of stuff!" Miranda Priestley, Devil Wears Prada.

Some fashion styling suggestions for incorporating Royal Blue into your wardrobe:

- Mix the color of blue with green for a natural, watery palette.
- Add gray for understated elegance. light brown, tans, or beige are environmentally friendly color combinations.
- Throw in a dash of blue to cool down a hot red or orange scheme.
- Grab attention with the contrast of blue and yellow.
- Dark blue or navy with white is fresh, crisp, and nautical.
- Red, white, and blue is a patriotic color trio for many countries, including the United States, France etc.
- Use dark blue with metallic silver accents for an elegantly rich appearance.